Vung’s Success

Vung’s Success

Vung is a very motivated student who excels in the classroom. She wrote the following paragraph when asked about how the ESL program has helped her: “When I learn English, it helps me to understand how to read, write and speak. When I interviewed for a job recently I answered what they asked and so I got the job. I can now ask my co-worker about our company and benefits and other things. We talk to each other in English. Before I studied in the ESL class I was scared to talk in English. It is important for me to continue to learn English because I want to speak fluently and I want to write whatever is in my mind.”

Vung works in a bakery. Although she attends class and works, she still finds time to review her class notes every night! What a difference this has made in her ability to progress! She is one of two students who has never missed a spelling word on this weekly spelling quiz.