The Alliance calls on Governor Abbott to continue refugee resettlement in Texas

The Alliance calls on Governor Abbott to continue refugee resettlement in Texas

The Alliance today joined our nonprofit partners, faith leaders, and community leaders including Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and State Representative Gene Wu for a press conference to ask Governor Greg Abbott to reverse his recent decision to end refugee resettlement in Texas in 2020.

We encourage community members to show their support this week. Here’s what you can do:

Contact Governor Abbott at 512-463-2000 or contact him online at

Sample script:  “I’m your constituent from [CITY] and I am opposed to your decision to stop refugee resettlement in the state of Texas. My community welcomes refugees. We know that they make positive contributions that help everyone in our community. I urge you to reverse your decision and continue refugee resettlement in the state of Texas.”

2) Amplify on Social Media

  • .@GovAbbott, I’m a Texan and I welcome refugees. I urge you to reverse your decision and continue welcoming refugees in Texas #Houston4Refugees #RefugeesWelcomeTX
  • Texan communities, faith leaders, and businesspeople have all said YES to refugees. We stand for welcoming refugees @GovAbbott Texas should continue to lead in refugee resettlement #Houston4Refugees RefugeesWelcomeTX

3) Make a donation 

The Alliance is working daily to support the refugees who are working hard to create new lives here in Houston. We can’t continue this work without the support of community members. Please consider making a gift today to ensure that refugee families in Houston have the full support they need to rebuild their lives in the United States.

Read our full statement below: 

The Alliance is deeply disappointed in Governor Greg Abbott’s decision to halt refugee resettlement in Texas in 2020. His announcement is out of step with the views of most Houstonians and Texans, who believe strongly in welcoming refugees and recognize the invaluable contributions they have made to our communities and economy.

 The refugee resettlement program has proven to benefit employers and the Texas economy. Texas employers know that resettled refugees have a high retention rate, a critical asset for the workforce. Each year, Texas employers are struggling to attract enough workers to fill jobs. It doesn’t make sense to exclude refugees who are pre-approved legal residents and highly motivated to make a new life. In fact, many former refugees start businesses here, creating additional tax revenue and job opportunities for Texans.

 Another important argument for sustaining the program in our state is a humanitarian one. We believe that it is our shared human obligation to provide protection to people in danger.

 The Alliance has been proud to welcome and support refugees for more than 34 years. We work closely with our local partners from the nonprofit, faith, and business sectors to facilitate their transition as new Texans. We have seen the incredible journeys refugees make to reach the U.S. and the amazing steps they take to ensure they become thriving and contributing members of our communities.

 The refugee resettlement program is one that saves lives and creates better futures for all of us.

 We call on Governor Abbott to reverse his decision and continue welcoming refugees in Texas.