Our Voices: The Road to Recovery

Our Voices: The Road to Recovery

“Our situation was tough all the way around. But Daniel helped us so much. He was always in contact, asking us what we need. He’s our savior.” – Mose Stephens

Mose and Malissa Stephens are native Houstonians who had lived in their Northeast Houston home for over 20 years before Hurricane Harvey hit.  The couple bought the house to be close to Mose’s family; he grew up in the house just across the street.

During Hurricane Harvey, the couple’s walls and floors were damaged by floodwater and rain. In one room, the roof caved in from excessive water damage. The home was so severely damaged that the FEMA inspectors who surveyed it declared it a total loss.

The couple was forced to stay with friends and family for a few weeks but eventually had to return home. Unable to afford the home reconstruction  themselves, Malissa called the United Way hotline (2-1-1) to find assistance. The hotline connected her to The Alliance and the couple began working with their disaster case manager Daniel, who helped them along their recovery process.

Daniel was able to secure $35,000 worth of home repairs through Rebuilding Together Houston so they could rebuild their home. He also helped the couple obtain financial assistance and furniture from the Salvation Army and temporary housing funds from Fifth Ward Community Development Corporation while their home was being repaired. Through the On the Road Lending Program, Daniel was even able to secure a new car for Mose.

Throughout the process, Daniel maintained weekly communications with Mose and Malissa. He worked closely with the couple and served as their advocate and liaison to the many organizations working on their recovery.

The Stephens’ home repairs were completed this summer and the family is now safely settled back in their home.