Take action to support refugees

Take action to support refugees

This week we join our national partners for Refugee Advocacy Days to advocate for a strong and robust refugee resettlement program in FY 2021.

By September 30th, the administration is required by U.S. law to consult with leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees before deciding how many refugees can be resettled to the United States in FY 2021. But all Senators and Representatives should hear from their constituents and express their support for refugees with committee members and the administration.

Our country can – and should – safely resettle more refugees and reunite more refugee families. Refugees contribute greatly to the United States in ordinary times, and have continued to show up for their new communities during the COVID-19 crisis, with many working on the frontlines of the pandemic, including 176,000 refugees serving in the healthcare field and 175,000 working as part of the food supply chain.

This administration has already cut refugee admissions by more than 80%, from the historic average goal of 95,000 to just 18,000 in FY 2020 – an all-time low. Join us in sending a strong message to Congress that our communities want to build back the refugee resettlement program and continue welcoming refugees.



For more information, visit bit.ly/RefugeeAdvocacy2020