Marwah’s Success

Marwah’s Success

One young woman who arrived here in May has been a particular inspiration to all of us this year. After working for American firms in Iraq, Marwah found that her life, and the lives of her family, were under threat. Given these risks to her safety, she received refugee status and resettled in Houston. While facing the challenges of a new culture, Marwah was willing to work hard to improve her life. Our RCA Program offered assistance for her immediate needs, Health Services case managers located new housing, and Employment counselors enabled her to find a job. 
Due to Marwah’s hard work and determination, her employers promoted her to an supervisor position, where she now oversees forty people at a manufacturing company. Marwah has been able to buy a car and plans to go back to school – she’s also willing to help mentor new refugee arrivals next year. Alliance is committed to helping Marwah reach her long-term goals and shares her hope that one day her family will be reunited with her here in the U.S.