Statement Ahead of Derek Chauvin Verdict: Justice & Equity for All

Statement Ahead of Derek Chauvin Verdict: Justice & Equity for All


 April 20, 2021

 Contact: Gislaine Williams, 713-776-4700 x148,

The Alliance released this statement in the Derek Chauvin case:

UPDATED:  Today a jury in Minneapolis found Derek Chauvin guilty of murder. The verdict marks an important step towards accountability and providing justice for the family of George Floyd.

While we welcome today’s news, we recognize that there is much work left to do. The Alliance remains fully committed to engaging in the work necessary to end systemic racism. We ask you to join us in building a more just and equitable society for everyone in our community.
From our previous statement:

We recognize that the historic roots of systemic racism in our country run deeply and impact every part of our society. Institutional oppression has inflicted widespread harm on our communities, from creating staggering economic disparities to causing generational trauma that will never heal until we take meaningful action to address it.

The Alliance calls on our partners, community leaders, and neighbors to make a genuine commitment to dismantling oppression in all its forms. We must work together to create a society that guarantees everyone the right to equitable treatment, civil liberties, justice, and belonging.

Please join us and support our work to promote justice and equity of opportunity for all.