Cultural Orientation Welcomes New Arrivals!

Cultural Orientation Welcomes New Arrivals!

“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” – Maya Angelou

Training Specialist, Methode-Alain Butoyi, hosted a Cultural Orientation for newly arrived Bhutanese refugees on Friday, January 6 and a second session the following week. Mahesh Neopaney, Case Manager, interpreted in Nepali, the native language of most of the attendees.

Presenters from various departments at the Alliance also participated in the orientation and informed the participants about the services available to them. Many of the newly arrived refugees shared their first impressions of America; some even discussed what they imagined America would be like long before they arrived.

The Alliance extends a warm welcome to the attendees of the cultural orientation, who now call America their new home.

Welcome home!