Refugee Services

When he was 26 years old, Osman fled to Uganda to escape the civil war that has ravaged Somalia for nearly 30 years. As a young college graduate, Osman already had experience as an educator. During his five years in Nakivale, a Ugandan refugee camp,...

One young woman who arrived here in May has been a particular inspiration to all of us this year. After working for American firms in Iraq, Marwah found that her life, and the lives of her family, were under threat. Given these risks to her...

Best wishes to our Reception and Placement team this week! They are visiting with our Texas representatives on Capitol Hill and participating in the national ECDC conference. We are excited for this chance to exchange ideas and experiences with our fellow refugee resettlement agencies across...

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself." - Maya Angelou Training Specialist, Methode-Alain Butoyi, hosted a Cultural Orientation for newly arrived Bhutanese refugees on Friday, January 6 and a second session the following week. Mahesh Neopaney, Case Manager, interpreted...