The Alliance Urges Biden to Increase Refugee Admissions

The Alliance Urges Biden to Increase Refugee Admissions


 April 16, 2021  

 Contact: Gislaine Williams, 713-776-4700 x148,

The Alliance Urges the Biden Administration to Fulfill its Promise to Increase Refugee Admissions  

  Houston, TX – President Biden signed an executive order today that keeps refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2021 at 15,000 – the lowest in the history of the refugee resettlement program. The administration had previously promised to increase refugee admissions this fiscal year to 62,500.


Daniel Stoecker, The Alliance President & CEO, said:

“We are deeply disappointed by today’s decision to further delay increasing refugee admissions this fiscal year.  The decision will leave thousands of refugees in limbo, forced to stay in life-threatening situations overseas. It will also mean that families here in Houston who have been waiting for years to be reunited with loved ones must continue to wait with no end in sight.

We urge the administration to fulfill its promise to increase refugee admissions in FY21. Our community is fully prepared and eager to welcome more refugees. It is time for our national leaders to take swift and meaningful action to support refugees and rebuild the refugee resettlement program.”


The Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to create opportunities for refugees, immigrants, and underserved residents to achieve their goals for self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life. The Alliance has served as a refugee resettlement organization since 1991 in partnership Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC).