AmeriCorps Members Give Back for 9/11

AmeriCorps Members Give Back for 9/11


Alliance for Multicultural Community Services’ AmeriCorps team hosted a September 11th Day of Service and Remembrance on Friday September 9. The team handmade over 200 thank you cards and goodie bags for first responders in Houston. They then personally delivered the cards and goodie bags to two police stations, and at Houston Fire Station 28, the busiest fire station in Houston.

It’s important to say thank you on 9/11 because it helps show first responders that we’re still thankful for the sacrifices they made 15 years ago and for the sacrifices they continue to make every day.” -Nia Wilson, Volunteer Coordinator VISTA

Each year on the anniversary of the attacks, Americans unite for a nationwide day of service. In 2009, Congress officially designated September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance, and tasked the Corporation for National and Community Service with helping to support this effort across the country.

Alliance’s AmeriCorps team includes both VISTA and AmeriCorps State and National members. Alliance is the intermediary agency for the Houston Refugee VISTA Project, which builds the capacity of refugee service agencies in Houston through activities such as grant writing, volunteer management, community outreach, and program development. Alliance’s partner sites include: Amaanah Refugee Services, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese Galveston-Houston, Partnership for the Advancement and Immersion of Refugees, Sewa International, and YMCA International Services.