The Alliance’s Response to Hurricane Harvey

The Alliance’s Response to Hurricane Harvey

The rain is finally dying down in Houston, but The Alliance’s work is just beginning. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, thousands of families have been forced from their homes, unable to work or attend school.  Countless others are without power or access to food and water.

Refugee clients are particularly vulnerable to crisis events due to lack of language skills, ability to navigate resources, or residing in neighborhoods especially prone to flooding.

No one could have imagined the devastating events that have occurred the height of Hurricane Harvey and are yet still unfolding. Please act today and make a difference to help The Alliance’s refugees and immigrant clients rebuild.

Your donation to The Alliance’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund can help in the following areas:

  1. Furniture, home goods, toiletries and food for refugee clients whose apartments flooded and were forced to evacuate.
  2. Diapers and formula for young refugee mothers, many of them single and widowed.
  3. Mental health and group support for those refugee clients experiencing trauma from the chaos of the flooding.
  4. Rental assistance for clients who work hourly jobs and have been unable to go to work for days, and deposit assistance for families forced to evacuate their apartments and needing new homes.
  5. Sponsor additional interpreters on the ground to help refugees with low English proficiency access the services they critically need.
  6. School supplies for refugee children and youth who have lost the tools they need when they are able to return to school post-storm.

Now more than ever we must continue to provide support for one another. Join us as we come together during this time to assist some of our most vulnerable community members attempting to regroup and rebuild after this catastrophic event.