A New Addition to The Alliance Family

A New Addition to The Alliance Family

The Alliance has some truly amazing news to share with our friends and supporters. We have officially merged with the Community Cloth! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Community Cloth and their work, they are a microenterprise initiative empowering refugee women in Houston. See here for more information about this small but mighty organization: http://www.thecommunitycloth.org/

The Community Cloth has been seeking to grow its capacity for some time, and when the opportunity presented itself to join forces with The Alliance, it was a perfect match. The Alliance’s reach, reputation, and resources will undoubtedly take the Community Cloth to even further heights serving more refugee women, assisting them to earn more income, and building long-lasting partnerships for future growth and impact.

We are thrilled to have these talented artisans become part of The Alliance family and start to expand the program to empower even more refugee women. We hope you will join in our excitement during this transition. And we further hope you support Community Cloth’s essential programming for refugee women by purchasing our unique artisan goods at festivals, trunk shows, and at local partner stores that carry Community Cloth products.

If you have any questions about this transition, please contact Jim Nguyen at: jnguyen@allianceontheweb.org

We thank you for your continued and passionate support. We can’t wait to grow with you all!