The Alliance Responds to Refugee Admissions Cuts for FY21

The Alliance Responds to Refugee Admissions Cuts for FY21


Houston, TX – On October 28, the administration signed a Presidential Determination that cuts refugee admissions in Fiscal Year 2021 to only 15,000, the lowest admissions number in the history of the refugee resettlement program. This is just the latest effort from the administration to dismantle a program that has saved countless lives, enriched our communities, and boosted our economy for decades. The Alliance calls on the administration and our federal leaders to increase the refugee admissions goal back to its historic average.


Daniel Stoecker, President & CEO of The Alliance, said:

“The Alliance has been proud to serve as a refugee resettlement organization since 1991. We have seen first-hand the incredible cultural and economic contributions refugees have made to our community. Refugees take full advantage of their second chance at life in the United States. They are taxpayers, entrepreneurshomeowners, and serve in essential industries in Houston, with many serving as frontline healthcare workers in the fight against COVID-19.

As the number of displaced populations worldwide increases, the administration’s actions this week continue to fall out of step with the majority of Americans who recognize the importance of this program and are eager to welcome more refugees into their communities. This decision means that families who have been waiting for years already are forced to further delay reunification with their loved ones, and it means that thousands of refugees are left in limbo in camps overseas during a global pandemic. We will continue to work with our community and corporate partners to support refugees and urge our leaders to renew our commitment to this life-saving program.”

Community members who would like to support refugees in Houston can make a gift at

Media inquiries: Contact Gislaine Williams,